Weather Insights
Volatile results driven by severe weather events is one of the most frustrating aspects of our business. Right when you believe you have a deep understanding of what could go wrong, Texas freezes and the power goes out or 5 random scenarios come together in the worst possible way in Colorado and a raging wildf ire ensues. Even the predictable events require a deep understanding of weather and its impact on the insurance industry. This is why BMS invests so heavily to study weather patterns, assess weather risks, and provide insights that allow you to make smarter decisions. Most reinsurance brokers design programs based on what took place last year – we design programs based on forward looking risks and deliver the information you need to properly respond to events when they happen.
Make Informed Decisions Before & After a Hurricane When hurricanes are within 48 hours of landfall, we provide clients with modeled loss estimates from leading catastrophe models outlining the range of potential loss outcomes. This information is augmented with the iVision view of your exposure to hurricane force winds.
The combination of pre-event modeling and projected exposure at risk to different wind speeds allow you to respond to leadership questions of loss potential, mobilize claims teams, and make real-time reinsurance decisions. After the event has passed and as soon as the modeling agencies provide the actual event information, we model your portfolio using the actual event information and provide detailed results for you to act upon.
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