Case Study BMS provided solutions to a regional carrier client that had a desire to expand operations and had access to additional capital and a wholly owned MGA that can write on 3 rd party balance sheets. Below outlines how we addressed each of their unique concerns:
Protect Unique concern: flexibility and timing risk of cash flows
Designed reinsurance program: cash flow enhancement with premiums paid in arrears, stackable layers to add coverage as they grow, auto-acceptance of new divisions. Improve Unique concern: adverse terms due to loss picks based on historical results Mined historical data for new unit with challenged results, then overlaid underwriting, coverage and rate changes independently to highlight pathway to target profitability. Grow Unique concern: actual results versus projected and channel conflict Created framework for evaluating new opportunities, including scalability and projected long-term results based on historical market cycles. Inform Unique concern: inexperience responding to hurricane events Client received continual forecast and loss estimates from BMS, enabling them to mobilize claims response unit and report loss estimates internally.
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